Monday 21 May 2007


I've been tagged! =)

Thanks to the lovely Bonny Jewelry & Sakura Fubuki Designs, I've been 'tagged'. So here's how it goes, I now have to write 7 things about myself ... pretty easy peasy lemon squeesy you say??? No sireee ... I had to do a little, repeat 'little', brainstorming (lest my readers think I haven't a clue about myself!!! bwahahaha ... hmmm ...

Once I've given you more of an insight of myself, I then 'tag' 3 other people and the cycle continues ...

Okay! So let's get it started!

7 things about myself:

  1. I'm extremely happy with my life at this point in time. Life has thrown many blessings my way and counting my blessings is one thing I do so very often.
  2. I dislike people to whistle ... the whistling gets on my nerves BIG TIME and it can cause a sudden mood swing.
  3. Etsy has made me slacken in my everyday cooking ... shame on you Etsy! ;)
  4. I frequently have romantic and ultra realistic dreams of male celebs ... the most recent ones have been Mike Delfino (from Desperate Housewives) and Patrick Swayze (just last night as a matter of fact!) ... and I wake up feeling sad that it wasn't at all real, which ultimately leads me into 'replay' mode the whole day though ... lol.
  5. I'm a "Every cloud has a silver lining" kind of person ... and looking at hidden blessings has always cheered me up during the down times.
  6. My current pet is a Version 4 Tamagotchi ... aka a virtual pet. Josh and I take turns to look after Bill, and we're proud to say that he is a happy 3 year old, who goes to school and gets visits from the Tamagotchi King every so often. He sleeps through the night and is extremely well-behaved! hahaahahahaha .............!!!
  7. I can actually be an exercise freak when the mood hits. I go through these phases ... and am about to be in one soon ... now where are my ipod and gym shoes???
So now I'm going to pass the baton and tag:


Beadinky said...

Hey you! I finally got my "I got tagged" posting up. It was actually alot of fun. Thanks. :D